Finding Purpose

Tia Parker
3 min readMay 25, 2020


Do an assessment of your innate talents and skills.

I’m talking about those skills you were naturally BORN with. Nobody had to teach you how to do it, you didn’t require level 1 training. You just KNOW how to do it.

Does that skill or talent in any way shape or form actually bring ease to somebody else’s life?

I guarantee you that gift is from God and it is closely connected to your reason for being born.

A long time ago God allowed me to understand that each of our lives are designed to meet a need in somebody else’s life. That somebody else isn’t always family, although it starts off that way.

More often than not, that same skill that can assist in making somebody else’s life easier can also produce an income for you! Isn’t that amazing!? Although it can produce an income for us, some of us would still do it for free!

So today I realized that my purpose in life is to meet certain needs for people. The primary thing I am called to do is FEED people in two different realms. The natural realm and the Spiritual realm (by way of God/Christ Jesus). God has used me to meet other needs by way of sexual health and STI/HIV prevention as well. I am SURE there will be other ways God will use me over the course of life to meet needs.

The same thing goes for you my friend!

God has given you a unique set of skills that you were born with. You never required training, you only needed to or need to prefect the skill! Some additional training miiight be needed, but the skill is kinda ingrained in your DNA, you were BORN with it!

Let me help you my friend….

You aren’t “all over the place” or confused about your call or purpose in life.

You are purposed to MEET NEEDS!

That is why you have SO many ideas and passions, and it seems to come to you out of “no where”.

Stop being afraid of people’s perception of you, and MOVE forward on what God has called you to do.

During this pandemic, we have been blessed to spend excessive amounts of time with ourselves.

What have you learned about yourself?

What has God nudged you about while isolated?

Who has God spoken to you about while isolated?

What skill set are you perfecting while isolated?

My friend Kita said; “Tia, God shut the whole world down!” I believe God slowed us down, so that we could CATCH up with Him!

I know people have loss their lives, and are terribly ill right now.

I do not take this truth lightly, and my heart breaks for those families who are suffering due to this pandemic.

But, I also understand that even in tragedy God is “working things out for our good because we love Him and are the called according to His purpose” Romans 8:28.

Today my prayer is for us to begin to think about and meditate on what our innate abilities are, so that we can find our purpose for this life!

Once purpose is realized, fulfillment can be actualized!

Fulfillment doesn’t translate into a perfect state of being.

No, fulfillment translates into contentment, peace and joy.

We will come out of this BETTER people!

I’m praying that you discover the reason you were born!

I love you my friend; stay safe and be encouraged!



Tia Parker

I am a Baltimore native, mother of one son, a poet, an encourager and a lover of people! Welcome to The Passionate Pursuit of Wisdom!