Let Go, You’ll Be Fine

Tia Parker
5 min readJul 10, 2019

One of the hardest things to do in life is letting go.

We like to hold on to old clothes that remind us of how small or large we once were.

We like to hold on to furniture no matter how broken it is, because it came from grandmas house and grandma is now gone, so we “better” hold it close.

We like to hold on to jobs that threaten our peace and pay us beneath our worth, because we are comfortable in dysfunction and afraid to go after what we actually want.

We hold on to relationships both platonic and romantic beyond the expiration date, because we fail to realize not everybody is meant to stay. We don’t let go because, in our minds we stay stuck in moments with them that were good, all while ignoring how the relationship lacks in reciprocity and we’re being used.

Yeah, we’re hoarders of junk. Stuff and people we no longer need, because we have an issue with LETTING GO.

Why do we take so long to let go, even when dysfunction is at an all time high and we are well aware of some of the damage it’s causing?

I believe we hold on out of fear and due to a lack of self-knowledge.

We are afraid of what life looks like absent of that person or thing, and we are not fully aware of how valuable we are.

Fear is ALWAYS false! ALWAYS! Check out the acronym for FEAR False Evidence Appearing Real.

Fear is a big LIE!

Because the truth of the matter is, holding on to it is killing you slowly…

Some portion of you is suffering when you chose to hold on to what no longer serves you on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself. That’s if you’re even interested in evolving into the person God created you to be.

If you’re not interested, I suggest you stop reading now, because this post will be a total waste of your time.

I don’t mean to be harsh, but I want to be clear on something. IF you want to be better than the version of you who continues to allow people to use you, take you for granted and treat you beneath your worth, you are going to have to WORK on becoming the highest version of yourself.

We are going to have to learn how to LET GO!

Right now in this moment I am struggling with letting go of a mindset that wars against me becoming the highest version of myself, and I am struggling to let go of about three people.

One of those people have already let me go, and I can’t fully understand why. Especially because to my knowledge, I’ve never done anything to them but assist them. Funny thing is, they never did much to assist me.

I’m struggling with letting them go because we are connected by DNA, and it kind of hurts because the disconnection happened all of a sudden.

But the truth is I knew for some time now that our relationship was imbalanced and I needed to readjust the connection.

One of the most painful connections to let go of is with those who share your DNA, your family. It’s painful, but it’s necessary if we want to grow.

So, I have to LET GO.

Let go of the confusion behind their disconnection from me. Let go of whatever they’re telling people about me that fits their clouded view of me.

Let go of the need to reach out to them.


Have you ever had a relationship with someone, and all of a sudden everything changes? I mean out of the blue they cut all communication and the folk you know in common begin to treat you differently?

Yes, it’s strange and painful. Especially when you haven’t done anything that you are aware of to warrant the behavior.

But I encourage you to LET GO, you’ll be just fine.

Let go because if you look back over the history of the relationship, you’ve given much more than you received.

Let go because it’s God’s will concerning your life.

Let go because you’re worthy of a relationship where reciprocity is the order of the day.

Let go because it hurts too bad to hold on to it. It hurts too bad to continue to call, and the conversations are forced. Their tone is off and they really have no mature explanation as to why they’ve spoken ill of you to the people you know in common.

Let go because this journey of becoming requires you to constantly purge your surroundings, and their exit is just proof of you being on the right track.

Let go because you weren’t going to ever do it on your own, God had to step in and allow this to happen.

Nope, it doesn’t feel good at all, but you’ll be fine.

As time goes on the picture of our lives will become clearer and we’ll understand why we needed to let go and adjust their position in our lives.

My prayer is for you and I to reach a place of maturity in life where we won’t become bent out of shape about letting go of people who have already let go of us.

It is not easy at all, but it is necessary for growth.

Let go, and let God. I know it sounds like a cliche, but it’s wisdom. When we let go of the person, the stuff and the situation, we give God room to add to us what we’ve been blocking.

Sometimes we’re clogging up the flow of blessings in our lives because we won’t let go.

Step by step, day by day, release them and release it. Give it a try and reap the benefits of letting go.

Philippians 3:13–14 “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, 14 I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.”

Romans 8:28 “And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.”

I’m rooting for us and I’m praying for you!



Tia Parker

I am a Baltimore native, mother of one son, a poet, an encourager and a lover of people! Welcome to The Passionate Pursuit of Wisdom!