Stop and Start Again!

Tia Parker
4 min readDec 11, 2019

At some point in our lives we have to stop.

Stop saying yes, when in our hearts we need and want to say no.

Stop staying in relationships that don’t yield enough positivity.

Stop allowing fear to rule our decision making.

Stop making excuses for the behavior of the people we love, who mishandle our hearts.

Stop the negative thoughts that have been able to live too long in our minds.

Stop apologizing for choosing to be alone.

Stop minimizing our brilliance to make it comfortable for others.

Stop giving that person or those people chances with our time and treasures, when we KNOW they aren’t going to change their behavior.

Stop falling in love with potential.

Stop procrastinating.

Stop choosing comfort over risks, because true success is in discomfort and taking risks.

Tia, how do we stop doing what we’ve been doing for so long?

I’m glad you asked that question my friend…

We simply decide to believe in ourselves and the God given talents/gifts we have.

We CHOOSE to see ourselves through the clear lenses of God’s intent for our lives.



Tia Parker

I am a Baltimore native, mother of one son, a poet, an encourager and a lover of people! Welcome to The Passionate Pursuit of Wisdom!