The Fullness of Time

Tia Parker
7 min readSep 11, 2019


Lately I have been suffocating, feeling as if any day now my lungs are going to collapse under the pressure of monotony and unhappiness.

I want to leave my job. I just want to walk away and never return.

I am not complaining at all, God has blessed me at my current place of employment, but lately I’ve been feeling stuck, trapped and out of place.

I have ideas, desires to make an impact, programs, events and all sorts of community outreach initiatives down on the inside of me. But, due to the lack of letters behind my name, what I have on the inside of me falls to the ground at my current place of employment.

It’s heartbreaking, and I’ve been hanging on by a thread at work.

In the past 7 years while at my present place of employment, God has taken me on a journey of self discovery, allowing me to take part in opportunities I have never dreamed of having.

Exposing me to a level of ability I never knew I possessed. Awakening me to the realization of my effectiveness to produce a lasting positive change, but I am not sure if this atmosphere is conducive to what I actually have to offer.

I believe it’s time to move forward on what God gave me for my city and ultimately for the world.

I think it’s time to move forward, but I am not totally sure if God agrees with me.

I am in an awkward space right now because internally I have shifted. Meaning, I have accepted the truth about myself. I have embraced that I am an agent of change, destined to make an impact in the sphere of influence God graced me with, and I am READY for the green light.

The troubling piece about all of this is, externally everything still looks exactly the same.

The natural realm has not caught up to what has taken place in the spiritual realm.

I can only imagine how David the great king of Israel felt when Samuel anointed him to be king, all while he was still a sheep herder.

Just think about that for a moment, God has called him to be king over all of Israel yet he is shepherding sheep.

How peculiar…

David was king the whole time, but he couldn’t step into his kingly role until the FULLNESS of time had come.

What is the fullness of time?

It is the time God has preordained for you and I to walk COMPLETELY in His will and vision for our lives.

Doesn’t that sound powerful, exciting and amazing?

But the truth is after all of the excitement, there is a waiting period that has the potential to cause us to lose our minds IF we don’t learn how to wait with wisdom and contentment.

Sweetness, waiting on the fullness of time is one of the HARDEST things you and I will ever have to do in life. It’s tough, but it’s doable!

What do you do when you’ve finally accepted who God created you to be? You’ve moved beyond the fear of failure, you’ve even operated on the surface level of your purpose.

You’ve been exposed to what you’re capable of doing once you embraced and believed in what God placed on the inside of you. But, it’s just not your time to fully operate in your dreams/goals/vision.

I’ll tell you what you do, you CRY!

You cry long and hard, because you feel ready to step out on faith and produce what you’ve been procrastinating on for years!

You become discouraged because you know God can change your entire life around in 3.5 seconds, because He’s GOD! But instead of being our genie, God chooses to be our God and prepare us properly for the road ahead.

You cry because you believe you’re ready to take on the challenge of actually being who you were created to be.

You cry because you’re sick and tired of seeing the wrong people in key positions ONLY because they have letters behind their names, but they are absent of the passion and drive it takes to make a difference.

For three weeks I cried internally, I suffered and I fought back depression because what has happened in my spirit, has not taken place as of yet in the natural.

I am in a holding pattern, awaiting the fullness of time, holding onto the word and vision God gave me a long time ago.

When we get a prophetic word from God, we want to take off with it immediately. We can’t always take off with the word the moment we receive it, we have to sit still and allow the word to grow us.

We must allow the word to grow us because sometimes at the moment we receive the word, we are not fully equipped to step into what has been spoken.

The word comes to confirm what you’ve been feeling, expose you to the greatness of God in you, and it also comes to provide accountability.

Sometimes the word God brings to us requires immediate physical action, but most times it only requires preparation for what’s to come.

We have to be at a certain level of internal living when we are walking in God’s call over our lives.

There has to be a level of integrity that cannot be compromised.

There has to be a confronting of habits and behaviors that has the potential to wreak havoc on the prepared place awaiting us in the fullness of time.

Even Christ had to wait for the fullness of time.

The bible says, in the fullness of time Christ came walking in the flesh after 42 generations had passed from the time of Abraham. But, at the foundation of the world He had already been crucified in the mind and plan of God for our salvation.

What was already so in the spiritual realm had to come to fruition in the natural realm, the fullness of time…

While we wait for the fullness of time to come, we are dropping off people, habits and thoughts that will not serve us in our purpose.

A few things to tell yourself while you’re in waiting.

  1. God placed me at this job or place for a REALLY good reason
  2. The place I am currently in is not all that bad and it’s temporary.
  3. While in this place I have discovered things about me that would have never been brought to light in any other place I’ve ever worked.
  4. In this place God has allowed me to connect with people who will be an asset to the vision/dream/goals I have.
  5. While I am waiting in this place I am being processed.
  6. The hidden struggles down on the inside of me are being brought to the surface and DEALT with, because if it shows up while I am working in my purpose, it’ll tarnish it.
  7. It’s working together for my good!

I want you and I to be ready and equipped when our time comes to move forward on what God placed in us.

Don’t worry, you won’t miss your time, you’re in tune with God. You’re more in tune with God than what you give yourself credit for.

Check out this definition and let’s encourage ourselves as we wait patiently, not idly:

Fullness of time-Within the appropriate or destined time, as in We’ll know if it’s a boy or a girl in the fullness of time. This expression employs fullness in the sense of “a complete or ample measure or degree.”

When your peace, joy and preparation are COMPLETE, you will be ready to walk fully into your purpose/goals/vision.

If there are courses you have to take, do that.

If there are people you have to let go of or connect with, do that.

If there is a mindset that needs to be eliminated or one that needs to be embraced, do that.

Whatever you do, make sure you WORK on yourself while you wait.

Our time to move forward is coming, and when it comes it’s going to be so amazing, long after you’ve left this earth people will remember and recall the impact you’ve made on the earth!

I am rooting for you, and I am praying for us to WORK in the pockets of our purpose while we wait.

What are the pockets of our purpose?

It is when an opportunity arises that you know without a shadow of a doubt has been sent to you by God, to give you a taste of what your everyday life will look like when you are finally walking in the fullness of time!

Is it a euphoria or a perfect plain of living? My God, NO!

But it is a life that is full, and fulfilling!

Is it easy? Not at ALL! But, it is worth every ounce of strength it takes to produce it!

I am shaking and I have tears in my eyes as I type this blog, because I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am not alone in how I am feeling right now, and this word is for you my friend!

I also know that God has not given us this level of passion, conviction and drive in our particular areas of interest just to torture us. It is the very heart of God that has us compelled to do this thing!

God has a plan that WILL come to fruition IF we stay the course and wait for the fullness of time!

Even Jesus, the Savior of the world had to wait for the fullness of time! Surely you and I can wait our turn as well!



Tia Parker

I am a Baltimore native, mother of one son, a poet, an encourager and a lover of people! Welcome to The Passionate Pursuit of Wisdom!