The Royal Campaign (Be In The Know)

Tia Parker
6 min readJul 17, 2019


I’m on a campaign right now.

Well, actually I’ve been on this campaign for a few years, and I just might be on this here thing for the remainder of my life.

I want every woman on the face of the earth to know that you are worthy, valuable, important, amazing and priceless!

Sweetness, you are a blessing!

You are somebody’s answered prayer!

You are a well thought out creation destined for greatness.

I am on this global campaign because I’ve seen too many of us settle for less than what we are worth.

Queen, there is a price lingering over your head that has so many zeros behind it, it goes into infinity.

You, my dear are precious and worth dying for! Catch that in your innermost parts. Let it sink into your spirit.

You are worth more than anything you can even fathom in your finite mind, and there is NOTHING that can diminish your true worth.

Addiction? Still priceless

Promiscuous? Still priceless

Abused? Still priceless

Gay? Still priceless

Abandoned? Still priceless

Depressed? Still priceless

Homeless? Still priceless

Fertility struggles? Still priceless

Unemployed? Still priceless

Uneducated? Still priceless

Rejected? Still priceless

Criminal record? Still priceless

Should I continue to go down the list of things that could cause you and I to “lose value” based on people’s limited understanding of worthiness?

You are created in the image of the epitome of love!

That Love is desperately chasing after you, wanting you to know that no matter how deep down in the gutter you’ve gone, there is STILL hope for you!

You just need to be in the know!

In the know about who you are and Whose you are!

I’m here to help you to be in the know and STAY in the know.

I’ve seen us settle for much too long.

Settle in addictions.

Settle for relationships that drain our potential for growth and joy!

Settle for an ill mindset toward life due to past experiences.

Settle for this illusion of what the vast majority calls success.

Settle into the image of what “beauty” is supposed to be based on popular opinion.

Settle into an identity that society has placed on us.

Settle for less, because we’re not aware of our place in God.

Time out for settling!

Time out for sacrificing your worth, your joy, your goals, your dreams, and your God given right to live abundantly.

Time out for not being aware of who you are and Whose you are.

Let’s take a peek into the word of God to see what He has to say to you and I.

Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.”

Look at how much God loves us, He’s willing to reason with us.

In all of God’s perfection, He still wants to reason with us. We must be worth A LOT in God’s eyes!

If the epitome of love and perfection wants to reason with us, how special are we?

Look at what Christ has to say to those of us who are burdened down with life.

Matthew 11:28–29 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Rest for your soul? Doesn’t that sound amazing?

That’s a rest that is supernatural.

That’s a rest that can’t be purchased.

That’s a rest that nobody can steal from you once you’ve accepted it.

A rest that’s eternal all while we’re right here on earth.

A rest that surpasses turmoil and confusion.

A rest in a prefect God whose perfect love is desperately chasing after you everyday.

My goal is not to preach to you, but it is to open the eyes of your understanding concerning YOU.

I want you and I to stop allowing people into our intimate space who aren’t fully aware of our worth and identity.

I want you and I to be so aware and in the know about our worth that we won’t give a second thought to entertaining foolishness at ALL.

Not even our own foolishness and toxic thinking.

God wants us to value our space, our peace and our sanity.

Look at what Proverbs says about our hearts and minds. Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

When we guard our hearts we are protecting ourselves from thinking, behaviors, and people who don’t feed the highest version of ourselves.

The version of us God had in mind when we were created in His image.

When we guard our hearts we don’t allow negative thoughts or negative people to linger too long, we cut it off immediately.

I just have this crazy idea…

I believe if we are fully aware of who we are we won’t settle for less.

Yes, we will slip at times, but it won’t last for long.

It won’t last because we can’t settle in settling once we’ve been enlightened by the truth of the gospel!

It breaks my heart to see women settle in any area of their lives, because I understand it all too well.

I settled for years, and it stunted my growth.

I settled in low self esteem.

I settled in an identity crisis.

I settled in poverty.

But, one day I was enlightened by the truth about me. Not just any truth, God’s truth.

I’m still on that journey, and sometimes I slip and fall into a brief moment of settling, BUT because I’ve been enlightened by the Word of God, and I continue to feed my spirit with that truth, I don’t stay in that state for long.

None of us are perfect, that’s not possible on this side of heaven.

But, we can strive to be the highest version of ourselves.

We don’t have to ascribe to “it is what it is” when we have been given the power to overcome anything this life throws our way.

We don’t have to continue to stay connected to people who cause us stress and deplete us of joy when we’ve been given the courage to walk away.

Tap into who you really are.

Genesis 1:27 “So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Recognize Whose image you’re made in.

We are created in the image of love, power, creativity and honor! Not only are we created to reflect all of that, but there is a set of “good works”, a purpose that we have to fulfill which God designed before our parents ever met.

If we never discover our true worth through God’s eyes, we’ll never discover that we have a purpose.

You my dear are fabulous in ways you’ve yet to discover.

It’s not about your external, it’s about the inner life. Yes we all want to be beautiful and fly, but a gorgeous spirit and a joy filled life is better than any material thing that I can think of.

Your sanity is worth more than any relationship, no matter who it is or what they give you!

Come on with me queen. Allow me to adjust your crown, take this journey with me.

Lets be in the KNOW!

I’m praying for us!



Tia Parker

I am a Baltimore native, mother of one son, a poet, an encourager and a lover of people! Welcome to The Passionate Pursuit of Wisdom!